Dear Yuhao,
The order of the wavefunction elements is the same as that of the sites.
Since you know the order of sites from sys.sites the task becomes very
In the following example, you can check the family of the sites in
sys.sites and notice that you have the electrons first and then the holes.
The wavefunction order becomes straightforward.
I hope this helps
import kwant
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy as np
def make_system(a=1, W=30, L=20, barrier=1., barrierpos=(3, 8),
mu=0.4, Delta=0.1, Deltapos=4, t=1.0):
# Start with an empty tight-binding system and two square lattices,
# corresponding to electron and hole degree of freedom
lat_e = kwant.lattice.square(a, name='e')
lat_h = kwant.lattice.square(a, name='h')
sys = kwant.Builder()
sys1 = kwant.Builder()
sys2 = kwant.Builder()
#### Define the scattering region. ####
sys1[(lat_e(x, y) for x in range(L) for y in range(W))] = 4 * t - mu
sys2[(lat_h(x, y) for x in range(L) for y in range(W))] = mu - 4 * t
# the tunnel barrier
sys1[(lat_e(x, y) for x in range(barrierpos[0], barrierpos[1])
for y in range(W))] = 4 * t + barrier - mu
sys2[(lat_h(x, y) for x in range(barrierpos[0], barrierpos[1])
for y in range(W))] = mu - 4 * t - barrier
# hoppings for both electrons and holes
sys1[lat_e.neighbors()] = -t
sys2[lat_h.neighbors()] = t
# Superconducting order parameter enters as hopping between
# electrons and holes
sys[((lat_e(x, y), lat_h(x, y)) for x in range(Deltapos, L)
for y in range(W))] = Delta
#### Define the leads. ####
# Symmetry for the left leads.
sym_left = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-a, 0))
# left electron lead
lead0 = kwant.Builder(sym_left)
lead0[(lat_e(0, j) for j in range(W))] = 4 * t - mu
lead0[lat_e.neighbors()] = -t
# left hole lead
lead1 = kwant.Builder(sym_left)
lead1[(lat_h(0, j) for j in range(W))] = mu - 4 * t
lead1[lat_h.neighbors()] = t
# Then the lead to the right
# this one is superconducting and thus is comprised of electrons
# AND holes
sym_right = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((a, 0))
lead2 = kwant.Builder(sym_right)
lead2 += lead0
lead2 += lead1
lead2[((lat_e(0, j), lat_h(0, j)) for j in range(W))] = Delta
#### Attach the leads and return the system. ####
return sys,sys1,sys2
#I used sys1 and sys2 to help in the 2D-plot
sys,sys1,sys2 = make_system()
# Check that the system looks as intended.
# Finalize the system.
sys = sys.finalized()
#sys and sys1 have the same positions of sites
wavefunction=wf(0)[1].reshape(2,-1)# lead number 0, mode number 2
#plot of wf for electrons:,abs(wavefunction[0])**2 )
#plot of wf for holes:,abs(wavefunction[1])**2 )
On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 11:15 AM Yuhao Kang <***>
> Hello,
> In the system I use two lattices to represent spin up and down.
> lat_u = kwant.lattice.honeycomb(a=1, name='up')
> lat_d = kwant.lattice.honeycomb(a=1, name='down')
> When I obtain the scattering wave functions from
> wf=kwant.wave_function(sys, en),
> it contains the value for both lat_u and lat_d.
> Is that possible to extract the wave function only for lat_u or lat_d?
> I tried to separate the wave function based on the odd/even index, but it
> is not the right sequence.
> Thank you in advance.
> Regards,
> Yuhao
Abbout Adel