shyam lochan bora
2018-08-28 04:53:12 UTC
dear sir,
I am working on the assignment problem " tweaking the nanowire" from the
online course in topology in condensed matter
I am trying to apply the magnetic filed in the nanowire using the following
code but I am unable to plot the graph.Please help me in this regard.The
code is given below..
import kwant
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy as np
def nanowire_chain():
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
sys = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*lat.prim_vecs))
def onsite(onsite, p):
return (2 * p.t - * pauli.szs0 + p.B *
np.sin(p.phi)*np.sin(p.theta)*pauli.s0sy+np.sin(p.phi)*np.sin(p.theta)*pauli.s0sx)+ * pauli.sxs0
sys[lat(0)] = onsite
def hop(site1, site2, p):
return -p.t * pauli.szs0 - .5j * p.alpha * pauli.szsx
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((1,), lat)] = hop
return sys
def spinful_kitaev_chain():
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
sys = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*lat.prim_vecs))
def onsite(site, p):
return (2 * p.t - * pauli.szs0 + p.B * pauli.szsz
sys[lat(0)] = onsite
def hop(site1, site2, p):
return -p.t * pauli.szs0 - 1j * * pauli.sys0
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((1,), lat)] = hop
return sys
def find_gap(sys, p, resolution=1e-4):
"""Find gap in a system by doing a binary search in energy."""
# This tells us if there are modes at a certain energy.
if len(sys.modes(energy=0, args=[p])[0].momenta):
return 0
gap = step = min(abs(kwant.physics.Bands(sys, args=[p])(k=0))) / 2
while step > resolution:
step /= 2
if len(sys.modes(gap, args=[p])[0].momenta):
gap -= step
gap += step
return gap
def spinorbit_band_gap(sys, mu, t, delta, Bs):
sys = sys.finalized()
alphas = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
p = SimpleNamespace(mu=mu, t=t, delta=delta,theta=theta,phi=phi)
def gap(sys, p, alpha, B):
p.alpha = alpha
p.B = B
return find_gap(sys, p)
gaps = [gap(sys, p, alpha, B) for alpha in alphas for B in Bs]
gaps = np.reshape(gaps, (len(alphas), -1))
dims = {'kdims': [r'$B$'], 'vdims': ['Band gap']}
B_crit = holoviews.VLine(np.sqrt(**2 +**2))
plot = [holoviews.Curve((Bs, gaps[i]), label=r'$\alpha={}$'.format(
alphas[i]), **dims) * B_crit for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas)]
title = r'$\Delta={delta}$, $\mu={mu}$'.format(delta=np.round(,
2), mu=np.round(, 2))
style = {'xticks': [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 'yticks': [0, 0.05, 0.1],
'fig_size': 150}
plot = holoviews.Overlay(plot)
return plot(plot=style)
def title(p):
title = r"$\alpha={alpha}$, $\mu={mu}$, $B={B}$, $\Delta={delta}$"
title = title.format(alpha=np.round(p.alpha, 2),
mu=np.round(, 2),
B=np.round(p.B, 2),
delta=np.round(, 2))
except AttributeError:
title = r"$\mu={mu}$, $B={B}$, $\Delta={delta}$"
title = title.format(mu=np.round(, 2),
B=np.round(p.B, 2),
delta=np.round(, 2))
return title
style = {'k_x': np.linspace(-1, 1, 101),
'xdim': r'$k$',
'ydim': r'$E/t$',
'xticks': [-1, 0, 1],
'yticks': [-1, 0, 1],
'xlims': [-1, 1],
'ylims': [-1.5, 1.5],
'title': title}
Shyam Lochan Bora
I am working on the assignment problem " tweaking the nanowire" from the
online course in topology in condensed matter
I am trying to apply the magnetic filed in the nanowire using the following
code but I am unable to plot the graph.Please help me in this regard.The
code is given below..
import kwant
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy as np
def nanowire_chain():
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
sys = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*lat.prim_vecs))
def onsite(onsite, p):
return (2 * p.t - * pauli.szs0 + p.B *
np.sin(p.phi)*np.sin(p.theta)*pauli.s0sy+np.sin(p.phi)*np.sin(p.theta)*pauli.s0sx)+ * pauli.sxs0
sys[lat(0)] = onsite
def hop(site1, site2, p):
return -p.t * pauli.szs0 - .5j * p.alpha * pauli.szsx
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((1,), lat)] = hop
return sys
def spinful_kitaev_chain():
lat = kwant.lattice.chain()
sys = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*lat.prim_vecs))
def onsite(site, p):
return (2 * p.t - * pauli.szs0 + p.B * pauli.szsz
sys[lat(0)] = onsite
def hop(site1, site2, p):
return -p.t * pauli.szs0 - 1j * * pauli.sys0
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((1,), lat)] = hop
return sys
def find_gap(sys, p, resolution=1e-4):
"""Find gap in a system by doing a binary search in energy."""
# This tells us if there are modes at a certain energy.
if len(sys.modes(energy=0, args=[p])[0].momenta):
return 0
gap = step = min(abs(kwant.physics.Bands(sys, args=[p])(k=0))) / 2
while step > resolution:
step /= 2
if len(sys.modes(gap, args=[p])[0].momenta):
gap -= step
gap += step
return gap
def spinorbit_band_gap(sys, mu, t, delta, Bs):
sys = sys.finalized()
alphas = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
p = SimpleNamespace(mu=mu, t=t, delta=delta,theta=theta,phi=phi)
def gap(sys, p, alpha, B):
p.alpha = alpha
p.B = B
return find_gap(sys, p)
gaps = [gap(sys, p, alpha, B) for alpha in alphas for B in Bs]
gaps = np.reshape(gaps, (len(alphas), -1))
dims = {'kdims': [r'$B$'], 'vdims': ['Band gap']}
B_crit = holoviews.VLine(np.sqrt(**2 +**2))
plot = [holoviews.Curve((Bs, gaps[i]), label=r'$\alpha={}$'.format(
alphas[i]), **dims) * B_crit for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas)]
title = r'$\Delta={delta}$, $\mu={mu}$'.format(delta=np.round(,
2), mu=np.round(, 2))
style = {'xticks': [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 'yticks': [0, 0.05, 0.1],
'fig_size': 150}
plot = holoviews.Overlay(plot)
return plot(plot=style)
def title(p):
title = r"$\alpha={alpha}$, $\mu={mu}$, $B={B}$, $\Delta={delta}$"
title = title.format(alpha=np.round(p.alpha, 2),
mu=np.round(, 2),
B=np.round(p.B, 2),
delta=np.round(, 2))
except AttributeError:
title = r"$\mu={mu}$, $B={B}$, $\Delta={delta}$"
title = title.format(mu=np.round(, 2),
B=np.round(p.B, 2),
delta=np.round(, 2))
return title
style = {'k_x': np.linspace(-1, 1, 101),
'xdim': r'$k$',
'ydim': r'$E/t$',
'xticks': [-1, 0, 1],
'yticks': [-1, 0, 1],
'xlims': [-1, 1],
'ylims': [-1.5, 1.5],
'title': title}
Shyam Lochan Bora